Lilac Blue Gradient
Tender feelings between mom and son with Down syndrome

Little Bits of Learning

We're on a mission to help children with Down syndrome learn reading, vocabulary, science, and beyond! Our secret? Fun-sized, personalized lessons that pack a ton of learning into short lessons.

Teach Your Child To Love Learning!

I set out on a mission to find the best way to teach my son, who has Down syndrome how to read and how to teach him best. We started our reading journey at three years old and a year later, he was reading hundreds of words and short sentences. You can teach your young learner with Down syndrome reading, science, math, and more through fast paced and quick little bits of learning. These fun-sized lessons are some of my sons favorite things to do (and I love it too.) My son loves to read and learn new words but his favorite learning activity we do together is the slide show of vocabulary pictures and facts. We have stacks and stacks of vocabulary cards and matching slide shows and I can’t make new ones fast enough.

Preschool age child with Down Syndrome learning in classroom

What We Offer

Mother reading to daughter with down syndrome
Playing on a computer with my mom

Reading Curriculum

  • Large and small printable fast flash reading card with pictures (30 high interest words)
  • Printable books
  • Practice Pages and hands on learning activities
  • All digital downloads

Vocabulary and Language Development

  • Printable vocabulary picture cards (40-50+ cards per set)
  • Learning slide show of vocabulary with beautiful pictures
  • Slideshow of facts about each vocabulary word with new pictures
  • Learning slideshow with practice answering questions
  • All digital downloads
Lilac Blue Gradient

Teach your child to read and learn

with fun-sized and personalized lessons made special for your child.

If you are interested in purchasing or learning more please email us at

Why Little Bits of Learning?

Down Syndrome Hand with Heart
Painted Hand Prints
Down Syndrome Ribbon Symbol

Vocabulary and Language

Some people with Down syndrome find it difficult to "file" information away into specific categories. This makes communication tricky when you have trouble retrieving the information because it has not been organized. This program helps give your learner the "file" so that they can more easily retrieve the information. We also love the practice questions and the idea sheet with how to extend the learning of the vocabulary.

Fast Flash Reading

Children with Down syndrome can have a harder time with their short-term working memory and also have auditory processing difficulties. This program is designed to get the information into their long term memory by reviewing the materials and circling back to review. Children with Down syndrome often have a wonderful long term memory!

Fast and Fun Connection

Each lesson is designed to be simple, fun, and take just a few minutes. This time of teaching your child is also meant to bring you and your learner closer as you learn together. The personalized lessons and books help your learner develop a lifetime interest in learning.

Lilac Blue Gradient
Happy Moon and Sun

"Don’t compare your child to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.”


Little Bits of Learning

Silver $40

Gold $60

Set 1 includes....

30 high interest word cards (small and large cards)

2 books

50+ pages of practice sheets

5 categories of vocabulary cards (about 50 cards)

*All pintables sent to you digitally

Set 1 includes everything in the Silver package plus....

2 personalized books

6+ personalized word cards

Practice sheets with your personalized words

20 minute phone consultations

Vocabulary slideshow

Personalized slideshow lesson based on your learner’s interest or need

*All sent to you digitally

Lilac Blue Gradient

Talk To Us

Feel free to email us!

If you are interested in purchasing the program or learning more please email us at